Tuesday 17 May 2011

My FPP project~~

This is the food that my FPP grp members created last semester~~~ Called Mac-Ower~~ Actually I don't really know what's the meaning of mac-ower~~~ hahaha~~

Does it looks tasty?

My Diner~~

Just wanna show you all what kind of my dinner I'm having just now and yesterday's~~

Guess what is this? Its pasta in soup!!! XD

Monday 16 May 2011

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2!!

Finally, the last episod of Harry Potter series -- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow Part 2 is going to release to the world on July 14, 2011... Let's have a look on the trailer first!! Enjoy~~

Oh~ Itchiness please go away!!!

Around 1 month ago, i found that my right leg came out red spots that are actually same as spots that bitten by mosquito. So, I didn't bother it. But these days, I found out that those red spots spread to other part of my leg but still on my right leg lar... Then I decided to seek for doctor's advice.

After few minutes, doctor diagnosed that those red spot is actually something like chicken pox but actually not same as chicken pox lar~~ But it has the same virus as chicken pox named Herpes Simplex... Now my right leg (just right leg) which previously appeared as red spots become 'pox' came out from red spots... And, those 'pox' make my right leg go itchiness and red and ugly and~~~ Some more I just can eat foods that have low content of protein (according to my doctor, protein may provide nutrient to virus and cause it spread to other place).  You can image that all most the foods have protein content!! So now I only can eat veggies, pasta~~ I feel like I'm a herbivore!! Oh my~~ The most unbearable thing is... itchiness!!! I can't scratch those 'pox' which may cause scars on my leg~~

Hope that I can relief from itchiness very soon~~ I really can't stand with itchiness already!!! :(

Canon ~~

Canon, is a classical music that created by Pachelbel. This classical music is one of the most popular classical music in the world followed by Für Elise from Beethoven. This Canon has being presented in many different kind of version such as fast version, superb slow version. Canon is also one of the popular song which playing in the wedding. Below is the video of playing Canon~~ Enjoy XD

Sunday 15 May 2011

Harmonica~ XD

Harmonica is a very simple music instrument compared to many other music instruments. It is also not popular as piano.

I loved this instrument because although it is small and has 12 holes (depends on what size of the harmonica is, longer the harmonica, there will be many holes that a harmonica will have). Harmonica which has 12 holes is categorized as chromatic harmonica.

Besides, harmonica can play by blowing air into holes or drawing air out of the holes. Although now I only can play some simple songs such as 'Twinkle twinkle little stars', 'Happy birthday', 'Mary had a little lamb', but I wish that I can play classical songs like Canon (now I just now the chorus part XD).

Just a nice reminder~~

Just received a friend's email regarding an fire accident caused by laptop~~ Here is the story:
A gradueted student named Arun was found died on his own bed which his bed was being burned which carbon monoxide has produced. After few days of investiggation, it was determined that the fire was caused by by the laptop which was placed on the top of the bed.

This incident may happened because when the laptop was placed on the bed, the cooling system of the laptop cannot get cool air to cool down the laptop as the uneven surface of the bedsheet has blocked the air intake vent which is below the CPU fan. When the laptop is placed on a flat surface, there will appear a gap between the desk surface with the base of the casing to allow air to flow in through the air intake vent by the cpu fan to cool the CPU.

So, although putting laptop on the bed is very comfortable, but~~ please be careful as the risk is there...

iPad 2 or iPod Touch?

Oh my, i'm addicted with apple products~~ Which one should I choose? iPad 2 or iPod Touch? Actually these two gadgets almost have the same functions, it just having different size... iPad 2 is more bulky than iPod touch~~

iPad 2 has a very big screen and act as a tablet computer while iPod Touch is just like a iPhone but it can't call out...

The price also totally not same... hmm...

Maybe I should buy iPad 2? or iPod touch? hmm...

Friday 13 May 2011

I'm back!! =="

Haiz... Because of yesterday maintainence, my post that I posted on Thursday was gone... I'm still worried about my first post that added just now... Hai~~ Nevermind, I will come back frequently and check it... Hope that it will not disappeared with no reason again lar~~ XD

Oh ya... I would like to introdice a very nice korean drama... This drama is not same as others and it has a very different sypnosis... The drama called Secret Garden  which acted by Hyun Bin... Besides, the theme songs which were used inside the drama is awesome!!! Below is the video of one of the theme song from the drama. Enjoy!! XD


Oh~~ This is my first english blog in Blogsppot... Today, I would like to share about my favourite song by my favourite singer group -- Super Junior... Enjoy!!